Summary Draft 1 (Solar Panel)
According to the article by Team ProductLine (2019), both home and commercial lighting uses solar light panels. Photovoltaic (PV) modules are used to create solar light panels. These PV modules typically have top-tier crystalline silicon solar cells. PV cells convert solar light energy into electrical energy that can be used immediately or stored for use later. Numerous solar (or photovoltaic) cells make up a solar light panel system, which may or may not be connected to the main electricity grid. If the system is connected to the grid, a power conditioning unit converts the DC electricity produced by the PV panels into AC power.
Depending on the equipment installed in the area, the power generated is added to a 220V single-phase line grid or an 11 kV three-phase line grid. Lighting systems are run on the power produced throughout the day. Depending on its availability, the extra power is fed into the grid. A backup system for a non-grid solar lighting system is required, consisting of a fully charged load-bearing battery, a power conditioning system, and sophisticated load control tools.
References: Team ProductLine (2019) What are solar light panels and how do they work. The Economic Times
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